A new creative outlet
I started writing about six years ago when I was living in a hard place and was trying to process everything that was happening both to me and around me. I quickly realized how therapeutic I found writing, and how much I enjoyed it! Since then, I have written two and a half novels (none of which are out in the world yet), at least five children's stories (one of which IS now out in the world!), and various other bits and pieces along the way.
Writing has become another way for me to express myself (beyond photography). As I pursue both of these arts, I am finding that they actually complement each other really well. In some ways, they are very similar. Photography is all about seeing the world around you and creating visual images and stories with the camera. Writing is also about seeing, but instead of creating images with a camera, you create images and stories with words. I love the challenge of both!
I am calling this page Deep Soul Writing, because, just like my photography, my writing comes from a place deep in my soul, and I hope it touches yours. Whether through joy and laughter or through sorrow, or even anger, I want my writing to reach into the deep places of your heart and soul and move you in some way.
In this space here, I will share my writing with you. For now, the list is short, but hopefully, it will grow with time!

Pancakes & Pickles
A young boy flips, skips and slips from place to place and country to country on a whimsical, adventure-filled birthday you won’t soon forget!
Pancakes & Pickles sparks in us the desire to boldly adventure into the magical world around us, where adventures, memories and new friends await!